From facilities management to facilities transformation
Our mission to transform your built environment.
瞬息万变的世界需要快速反应和适应的能力. Which is why your facilities partners should provide dynamic, efficient services that prioritise resilience and sustainability.
这就是为什么我们不再谈论设施管理. Instead, we’re dedicated to driving facilities transformation.
But what does that look like?
The built environment influences many things, 从你同事的幸福到你的组织对环境的影响. Transforming your estate is key to enhancing productivity, 解决可持续发展问题,无缝地满足您的员工和组织不断变化的需求.
At Mitie, 我们将技术和内部专业知识相结合,帮助客户重新构想环境和体验, create healthier, more sustainable spaces and protect what matters most.
Our services cover cleaning, security, projects and engineering, and are aligned with three vital pillars of transformation.
Why facilities transformation?
Optimise asset performance and maximise productivity
With smart buildings, automated processes and interconnected technologies, you can answer vital questions like, “How does my estate compare to the best-in-class?” And, “How much should I spend to optimise performance?”
Transform estates, workplaces and customer experiences
Create exceptional, 以人为本、适宜通勤的环境吸引人才, 更好地利用空间,超越当今混合型员工的期望.
Create healthier, more sustainable spaces
部署灵活可靠的、包含实时数据的清洁澳博官方网站, spill detection, 机器人清洁和需求导向的实践,以拥抱新的效率和推动可持续发展.
Protect people, property and assets
用最先进的风险和安全澳博官方网站保护最重要的东西——包括外围加固, drones, 面部识别和人工智能摄像头——它们可以阻止犯罪,并全天候保护人员和财产安全.
Accelerate the path to net zero
找到实现净零排放的最佳途径,并利用可再生能源解决方案以最低成本推动脱碳, battery storage, EVs, 以及对您的建筑环境进行广泛的数据驱动改进.
Transform the built environment
我们将让您在快速变化的需求中领先一步,并创造降低成本的环境, increase efficiency and deliver on your net zero ambitions. 提供从最先进的安全和数据驱动的清洁到预测性维护和大规模脱碳项目的一切澳博官方网站, we have every angle of your transformation covered.
Transform experiences
运用最新的方法和创新,为你的员工提供最重要的东西. 我们的专家在创造以同事为中心和通勤为价值的环境吸引顶尖人才方面拥有多年的经验, 提高工作效率和幸福感,无缝适应不断变化的工作模式.
Transform insights and decision-making
We use cutting-edge technologies including IoT sensors, remote monitoring, BIM, AI, data analytics and digital twins. 这些为您的房地产的表现提供了可行的见解,并确定了正确的项目. With a greater understanding of how your assets perform, 您可以获得最大的效率,并从您的投资中获得更多的价值, resources and operations.
Technology at the heart of every action
我们投资了超过1.45亿英镑,用了六年的时间创造了一个行业独有的技术平台. With building management systems, IoT sensors, workplace apps, data visualisation tools, AI-based chatbots and more, 我们的平台提供丰富的见解和最先进的经验,以支持您的组织目标.
Listen now: Learn all about facilities transformation
正如我们的世界变化得比以往任何时候都快一样,设施管理的世界也是如此. 加入职场极客,伊恩·埃里森和克里斯·莫里亚蒂的科学澳博官方网站播客. 该系列以Mitie的一些知名合作伙伴为特色,并揭示了技术如何重写FM公司如何交付的规则手册.
Listen hereGet ready for facilities transformation
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